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EZY Site Templates 1.1.0

short description

The site template features various features for creating fresh topics, including animated headlines, JQuery Bootpag, Bootstrap, and more, with videos and images provided for illustrative purposes.

EZY Website Templates Site Template Advocate for
The FAQs address the vast majority of queries. Consult FAQs – Create a New Topic.The animate.css file is credited.
Animated Headlines (index.html at https://codyhouse.co/demo/animated-headlines)

The site template JQuery Bootpag is accessible at http://botmonster.com/jQuery-bootpag.
The Bootstrap framework is accessible at https://getbootstrap.com.
UXsolutions’ Bootstrap Datepicker is available at https://github.com/bootstrap-datepicker. Another option is Easy Pie Chart (https://github.com/rendro/easy-pie-chart). CountTo (https://github.com/mhuggins/jQuery-countTo).
EZY Site Templates Fantastical Fonts (https://fontawesome.com)
Instafeed is available at http://instafeedjs.com.
Isotope may be found at https://isotope.metafizzy.co.
As mentioned on http://jQuery.com/.
jQuery is https://github.com/bas2k/jQuery.appear. Appear: Portable jQuery Browser (http://detectmobilebrowser.com).
jQuery is Carhartl/jQuery-Cookie (https://github.com/carhartl/cookie)
jQuery Countdown (jQuery.countdown, http://hilios.github.io/)
easing using jQuery (http://sandbox.gsgd.co.uk/jQuery/easing/).
The Github repository for jQuery gMap (marioestrada/jQuery-gMap).
Hover3d powered by jQuery (http://ariona.github.com/hover3d).
jQuery is A slow load solution is available at http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/lazyload, and jQuery validation may be obtained at https://jqueryvalidation.org/.Icons created by Linea (http://linea.io).
Magnific Popup (http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup) and Linear Icons (https://linearicons.com) are two distinct plugins.
EZY Site Templates: Site Template (https://modernizr.com). Modernize using NanoScrollerJS, available at http://jamesflorentino.github.com/nanoScrollerJS.
The noUI Slider and Owl Carousel may be found at https://refreshless.com/nouislider and https://owlcarousel2.github.io/OwlCarousel2/ respectively., respectively.
JQuery slider for Revolution (https://revolution.themepunch.com/jQuery/) and Simpleline Icons (http://simplelineicons.com). Simple Line Icons by Vida Bears (GitHub, http://vodkabears.io/vide/).
Vivus may be obtained at https://github.com/maxwellito/vivus, while JQuery.visible.js is available at https://github.com/customd/jQuery-visible/blob/master.
The afterResize.js file is available at https://github.com/mcshaman.
Watch What Happens (https://github.com/alexanderdickson/waitWhatHappened).
EZY Site Templates Sticky-kit may be found at http://sticky-kit.leafo.net/.
Site Template: Videos and Images
The movies and pictures used on the demo site are just for demonstrative reasons and are not included in the downloaded package.

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